Jam Hassan - Photo Journal
The boys back together at Race Mile 695. Absolutely torched and having a hell time.
The Costa Rican Falcon.
Stiiiiickeeerssss Misssteerrrrrr.
Forrest’s dad on a shaping bender.
Linc and Andy waiting for something.
Desert Hogs, Johnson Valley.
2.30am at the starting line. Forrest lazer focused. Being right next to him for the beginning of this saga was a pretty special experience.
Colton and Forrest gripping in at the starting line.
Andy and Sandy in deep doco mode.
Forrests mum and aunt chilling at HQ the day before the race.
Harry going all Pepe Silvia on race prep. All good but no wigging.
The evening after the race ended. We drank beers and let fireworks off at each other. “Okay okay okay boys, I think that’s enough now” - Rat King
The night before the race. Andy demanded a crew dinner. I like to make sure Andy has a crew dinner when he demands. It always works out for the best.
Desert fumes and corn chips.
Desert whippets.
10pm the night before the race started at 3am. We felt we really needed to be out on the streets filming mariachi bands. We really needed that footage, It felt right…
The boys getting super corpo.
Clinton La Piece.